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*Michael* дипломник
Зарегистрирован: 12.06.2002 Сообщения: 72
Добавлено: Чт Авг 21, 2003 10:20 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
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Позвольте снова поднять "?" - MetaStock и DD2000. Не могу настроить передачу котировок в MetaStock. Посмотрите логи. Нужные security создал.
MetaStock File Server
Message Dump
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Initializing...
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Initializing cache....
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Initializing security update list....
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Initializing folder list....
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Folder list initialized.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Security update list initialized.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Cache initialized.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Attaching to data server...
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Initialization complete.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Loading real-time data folders...
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for USDJPY_60.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for EURGBP_60.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for EURJPY_60.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for EURUSD_60.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for GBPJPY_60.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for GBPUSD_60.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for USDCAD_60.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for USDCHF_60.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for AUDUSD_60.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for USDJPY_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for EURGBP_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for EURJPY_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for EURUSD_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for GBPJPY_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for GBPUSD_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for USDCAD_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for USDCHF_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for AUDUSD_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Requesting updates for UCA_15.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Real-time data folders loaded.
21.08.2003 23:14:38 - Client MetaStock Professional is requesting a connection.
21.08.2003 23:14:38 - Connection request accepted.
21.08.2003 23:14:38 - Client 0 adding UCA_15 to cache
21.08.2003 23:14:38 - Client 0 retrieving price data for UCA_15
Equis Data Server
Message Dump
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Initializing...
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Loading vendor DLL...
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Vendor DLL is: d:Program FilesEquisMetaStockServersVenddllsEQDBCVND.DLL
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Checking DLL version number...
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - DLL version OK.
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Vendor DLL loaded.
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Waiting for DLL to initialize...
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Vendor DLL initialization successful.
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Resolving addresses...
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Setting DLL message display handler...
21.08.2003 23:14:30 - Request DLL attach to vendor...
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Attached to DBC Signal
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Connecting to vendor DLL data port...
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Requesting available services from vendor...
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Successful connection to DBC Signal.
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Initialization complete.
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Generation of empty bars disabled.
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Override of vendor trade volume disabled.
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Unusual time change warnings enabled.
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Client MetaStock Professional is requesting a connection.
21.08.2003 23:14:33 - Connection request accepted.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Client MetaStock File Server is requesting a connection.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Connection request accepted.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Client 1 requesting suspension of updates.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Sending request to vendor for USDJPY_60 updates.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Request from client 1 for USDJPY_60 updates accepted.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Sending request to vendor for EURGBP_60 updates.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Request from client 1 for EURGBP_60 updates accepted.
21.08.2003 23:14:36 - Sending request to ve |
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*Ruben* Абитуриент
Зарегистрирован: 19.12.2003 Сообщения: 2
Добавлено: Пн Дек 29, 2003 5:08 pm Заголовок сообщения: |
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