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Торговые стратегии и МТС >  It's hard to believe... so you can try it
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Зарегистрирован: 18.06.2003
Сообщения: 2

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Июн 18, 2003 2:25 pm    Заголовок сообщения: цитата

Are you tired of trading with 30 year old indicators that nearly every other trader knows about? All the major charting programs provide indicators like the RSI and moving averages, and tens of thousands of other traders use these tools. Can such widely known techniques really provide you with a trading edge? Are you really going to be able to win a professional's money using something that even the lowliest floor runner at the MERC knows about?

Not only that, techniques like SlowK and RSI were designed before the computer age, which means they are like dinosaurs compared to what an algorithm can do today. How can you justify trading with these kinds of outdated tools? To succeed in the cutthroat zero-sum game of daytrading you need something more advanced than these simple formulas.

Our software contains extremely powerful techniques that can give you a real edge when trading the financial markets. From genetic algorithms to composite cycle prediction techniques, it contains some of the most advanced algorithms ever applied to the financial markets.

We are so excited to be finally able to release this software, and so convinced that you'll never want to trade with anything else once you've tried it that we want to give it to you FREE for the first 30 days. This is the fully functional version.

Want to take this software on a test drive? Just go here: wave59.zor.org
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[профиль] [сообщение]

Зарегистрирован: 17.09.2002
Сообщения: 1693

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Июн 18, 2003 9:21 pm    Заголовок сообщения: цитата

You, clever boy ! Show us plis as you play in real time! Then maybe your new (not "dinosaurs" ) osc. make some effects ! I made a few new indicators, and equity was the same as RSI ( i think the best !) . Traders in "Buy Euro-2" give me more usefull informattion, then all you ' professionals' together!
Did you really invite a perpetuum mobile ? Make money yourself ! Then show us as you made this, but what for ?
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[профиль] [сообщение]

Зарегистрирован: 17.09.2002
Сообщения: 1693

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Июн 18, 2003 9:35 pm    Заголовок сообщения: цитата

Блин... и здесь лохов ищут... если кто и сделает когда какую-нибудь путнюю систему торговли, то это будет Глав Врач Smile А всяких осциляторов-индикаторов новых наизобретать в наше время проблем нет, придумал чо-нибудь новенькое - и продавай себе ( неужели кто-то покупает ?) .
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[профиль] [сообщение]

Зарегистрирован: 28.09.2001
Сообщения: 29

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Июн 19, 2003 12:16 pm    Заголовок сообщения: цитата

хе Smile
давайте и я тогда добавлю чертовски интересное предложение.

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The truth is, women love to feel a large, hard penis inside them. It turns them on. Think of your beautiful wife or girlfriend in lingerie, lying on the bed in front of you, as you show her an extra two inches of your manhood. That bright, wide smile spreading across her face is for you - because she knows how much sensual pleasure you can give her no! w.
An exciting sex life guarantees a happy, long-lasting relationship. It's amazing how a single red rose and two hours of mind-numbing sex can make an argument just go away. If you're unhappy with the size of your penis, don't panic, you're not alone - the average size is only five inches. Most women require a seven or eight inch penis for full penetration and pleasure. Imagine the spectacular sex you will have when you give her more frequent, vibrant orgasms. You want a larger penis, and you need PINACLE!
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[профиль] [сообщение]

Зарегистрирован: 18.06.2003
Сообщения: 2

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июн 20, 2003 12:07 am    Заголовок сообщения: цитата

2 Barakuda

>> Did you really invite a perpetuum mobile?
May be you know there is no software that making money itself. This software also is not an exception.

>>Show us plis as you play in real time! Then maybe your new (not "dinosaurs" ) osc. make ........
It would be better for you and other (who are interested of course) more in detail to study information submitted on a site. It's a simple. Look at "Weekly Showcase" section.

Be more attentive.
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[профиль] [сообщение]

Зарегистрирован: 17.09.2002
Сообщения: 1693

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июн 20, 2003 11:06 am    Заголовок сообщения: цитата

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[профиль] [сообщение]

Зарегистрирован: 27.06.2003
Сообщения: 12

СообщениеДобавлено: Сб Июн 28, 2003 3:40 pm    Заголовок сообщения: цитата

"Look at "Weekly Showcase" section. "
It seems so easy to trade by looking at that showcase page .But I'm not shure it would be so at real trade.

If it so great:

FOP is great... i set the UP fractal and sold ES H2 at 1123(at end of fractal) got out at the bottom of the DOWN fractal at 1076. natal forecast was good and smartmoney/dumbmoney is always a winner. THANKS, FC

* * * *

I believe that people like yourselves are doing extraordinary work in the futures business and would also like to tell you that I made $4000 profit today on the S&P based on your forecast and $15000 in the past week and a half.

why doyou try to sell it?
you can make more bigger profits by using your system.
Correct my if I'm not right
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[профиль] [сообщение]

Зарегистрирован: 27.09.2003
Сообщения: 1

СообщениеДобавлено: Сб Сен 27, 2003 12:16 pm    Заголовок сообщения: цитата

I would very careful for "boxed" proprietary system, because you don't know on what parameters it based on so you cannot applied to the market correctly. Winning trades becomes matter of luck and not a probability. Also testimonials with initials only always looks suspicious.
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