Лион! Если 1,2168 - начало нисходящего движения (часовики), то третья волна вниз закончилась 1,1981, четретая кончилась сегодня 1,2069. И по идее должна быть пятая в район 1,1950, одновременно конец пятой должен показать дивергенцию по макд. Вы как считаете?
И ещё вопрос: Вест или Незнакомец Вам не писали?
USD/CHF may have efound support at 1.2560, may rally further to 1.2800 - 1.2850
The SNB unexpectedly increased its benchmark interest rate for the first time in four years, as a weaker Swiss franc and strengthening economy eased pressure to keep borrowing costs at close to zero.
Developments to watch today: June 17 - NEW YORK
- U.S. producer prices rose 0.8 percent in May, the biggest increase in more than a year, boosted by surging energy and food costs, a government report showed. So- called core prices, which exclude food and energy, rose 0.3 percent. The increase in the measure of what factories, farmers and other producers receive for their goods followed a 0.7 percent rise in April, the Labor Department said in Washington. The index last rose more in March 2003. The core measure had risen 0.2 percent in April. Wholesale prices rose 5 percent in May from a year ago, compared with a 3.7 percent gain in the 12 months that ended in April. The year-over-year increase was the biggest since December 1990. Core wholesale prices rose 1.7 percent in May from a year earlier, the biggest 12-month gain since January 2001.
- The Swiss National Bank unexpectedly increased its benchmark interest rate for the first time in four years, as a weaker Swiss franc and a strengthening economy eased pressure to keep borrowing costs at close to zero. SNB governors, led by Jean-Pierre Roth, raised their three- month Libor target by a quarter point to around 0.5 percent. Economists had predicted the bank to keep its main lending rate unchanged for a fifth quarterly meeting. The Swiss economy may expand at the fastest pace in four years after its first annual contraction in a decade in 2003, the SNB has said. Exporters including Swatch Group AG, the world's largest watchmaker, have benefited from the franc's 5 percent drop against the euro since the beginning of 2003, which makes goods cheaper for countries including Germany and France.
- U.K. retail sales jumped in May, raising the chances the Bank of England will boost interest rates for a third consecutive month in July. Shops including department store chain House of Fraser Plc sold 0.8 percent more goods last month, after a 0.3 percent gain in April, the statistics office in London said. Growth was led by clothing. Sales haven't fallen for a year, the longest run since records began in 1986. Surging house prices, unemployment at a 29-year low and the fastest wage growth in almost two years have encouraged consumers to spend. The central bank, concerned that households may have taken on too much debt, has raised interest rates four times since November, to a 2-1/2 year high of 4.5 percent.
- Crude oil futures extended their gains in London on expectations Iraq won't resume exporting oil through its Persian Gulf terminals before next week. Attacks on Monday and Tuesday stopped the flow of crude to the Basra and Khor al-Amaya terminals, the second time in less than six weeks that violence cut shipments to the terminals. The southern outlets can process about 1.6 million barrels a day and handle 90 percent of Iraq's exports.
Brent crude for August settlement rose a second day, adding 50 cents, or 1.4 percent, to $35.70 a barrel on the International Petroleum Exchange at 11:12 a.m. London time. That's down 8.7 percent from a 13 1/2-year high on June 1. On the New York Mercantile Exchange, crude for July delivery rose 43 cents to $37.75 a barrel. August crude traded 30 cents higher than the July contract at $38.05.
- Richmond Federal Reserve President Alfred Broaddus said on Wednesday he was confident U.S. inflation would stay contained, but it was critical to preserve the Fed's credibility for keeping prices stable. "I think -- indeed, I'm confident -- that inflation will remain well contained," Broaddus, who is on the verge of retiring from the helm of th
Карч, а где же волны 1 и 2 ? скорее начало третьей 2168
на 1980 первая кончилась. а 2069-так,огрызок.
хотя у меня совсем другой взгляд на волны.
Гремлин его забраковал,но он пока подтверждается.
полностью оправдается при пробитии 1,1700
To Lion
Если верить Фибо, то нижнии границы по евро 1.1982, 1.1958,1.1921. Для себя я наметила диапазон от 1.1815-30 к 1.2550. Но я уже продавать не буду, лучше подожду покупок. А вообще, надо бросать эту евро и заняться фунтом
Karch ,a mozhet mi v lovushke?!
Sejchas ochen mnogie smotrat vniz.
Mozhet idom na 1.215 ili vishe - chtobi narod prikupil EUR,a potom rezko vniz ?
Maloverojatno,no ne zabivaj chto Forex - spekulacija.
Pered 29-30 ijuna obazatelno chto-to budet rezkoe.Vedj dla togo chtobi kto-to horosho zarabotal-nuzhno chtobi kto-to horosho proigral !
Ja lichno ne dumaju chto podimut stavku na 0.5%
Maximum na 0.25% ,esli voobshe.
EUR/USD - no chage in the earlier view -- the currency did make a trough at 1.1980. If the currency goes above 1.2070 today, which is very likely, then we should look for a new upswing. That would categorize the recent sell-off as part of a +basing action+. So for now, there's no change in the positive short-term view. However, the market needs to push the currency above 1.2170 to swing the short-term weakness around. No change in the medium-term outlook likewise, which still argues for a bigger euro recovery down the road. We will be fine-tuning the possibility that we have seen a significant bottom at 1.1955, and once the low is firmly established by a break of 1.2170, then we will refocus at 1.2350, then to the 1.2500 area once again.
Bought EUR at 1.2037. Keep stop-loss at 1.1910. Keep profit target at 1.2500.
Товарищи, а вы видите большой треугольник на четырехчасовике?
Поддержка - поддержка большого восходящего канала, сопротивление - сопротивление нисходящего минитренда.
Но скорее всего, минитренд пробьет наверх.
Евра вчерась удержалась, поэтому вниз не пойдет.
Поэтому вижу другой треугольник.
Горизонтальная поддержка - линия 1.2170, сопротивление - по прежнему поддержка восходящего канала - 1.1780-1.1955-1.1985.
Значит сейчас идем второй раз на 1.2170, а не на 1.2150, как я думал ранее.
Проклятье, пока писал евра резко отросла от 23 до 50, что ж теперь делать....
Поставил бай лимит на 1.2020...
Кажись, сегодня до утра не должны вообще никуда пойти всерьез...
Вот и евра пошла вниз...
Где угодно можно сказать "Чтобы кто-то выиграл надо чтобы кто-то проиграл", но только не на форексе. ЦЕна рождается при равенстве продавцов и покупателей. Следовательно любая цена на форексе удовлетворяет и продавцов и покупателей. Я считаю что на форексе все могут одновременно выиграть и проиграть. Идеализирую конечно. А ловушки... Что это такое? Разводят не для того чтобы кто-то проиграл, а для того чтобы потом легче идти было в нужную сторону
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